
fun verify(mode: VerifyMode = MokkeryCompilerDefaults.verifyMode, block: ArgMatchersScope.() -> Unit)

Asserts that calls sequence defined in block satisfies given mode.

Each verification is performed only on unverified calls. In result repeated verifications may give different results.

Provided block must be a lambda and all mock calls must occur directly inside it. Extracting block content to functions is prohibited.

fun MokkerySuiteScope.verify(mode: VerifyMode = MokkeryCompilerDefaults.verifyMode, block: ArgMatchersScope.() -> Unit)

Asserts that calls sequence defined in block satisfies given mode.

If verify mode is exhaustive, mocks from MokkerySuiteScope are also checked.

Each verification is performed only on unverified calls. In result repeated verifications may give different results.

Provided block must be a lambda and all mock calls must occur directly inside it. Extracting block content to functions is prohibited.