Package-level declarations
Provides a set of operations available in a MokkeryCallInterceptor.intercept for regular functions only.
It's invoked on each mocked function call.
Simplifies creation of MokkeryCallInterceptor that does not need to change the current pipeline and only gets notified on each call.
Provides a set of operations available in a MokkeryCallInterceptor.intercept for both regular and suspend functions.
Represents a point in the interceptors pipeline that allows registering interceptors of T.
Provides a set of operations available in a MokkeryCallInterceptor.intercept for suspend functions only.
Creates MokkeryCallListener that invokes block on each call.
Calls MokkeryCallInterceptor.intercept on the next interceptor in the pipeline.
Calls MokkeryCallInterceptor.intercept on the next interceptor in the pipeline. Adds context to the next pipeline context.
Creates FunctionScope from this MokkeryCallScope