Package-level declarations


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interface Answer<out T>

An answer for a function call. For blocking answers only call implementation is required. For suspending answers callSuspend should be implemented and call implementation should throw an exception. Use Suspending for convenience.

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interface AnsweringScope<T>

Scope for defining an answer for a function call.

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Marker interface for defining an answer for non-suspend function call.

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Provides a set of operation for BlockingAnsweringScope.calls.

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Marker interface for sequential answer builder for non-suspend function

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class CallArgs(val args: List<Any?>)

Contains arguments passed to mocked method. If method has extension receiver it is passed at the start of this list.

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interface CallDefinitionScope<out R>

Provides a base set of operation for BlockingAnsweringScope.calls and SuspendAnsweringScope.calls.

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Provides a set of mocked function related operations that might be required for implementing Answer.

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Marker interface for sequential answer builder for any function

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sealed interface SuperCall

Describes a super call that should be performed as an answer for a mocked method call.

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Marker interface for defining an answer for suspend function call.

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Provides a set of operation for SuspendAnsweringScope.calls.

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Marker interface for sequential answer builder for suspend function


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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.calls(superCall: SuperCall)

Calls super method according to SuperCall.

Function call executes block.

Suspend function call executes block.

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Function call executes block inside runCatching and returns Result. It rethrows any dev.mokkery.MokkeryRuntimeException as it indicates internal error and cannot be ignored.

Suspend function call executes block inside runCatching and returns Result. It rethrows any dev.mokkery.MokkeryRuntimeException as it indicates internal error and cannot be ignored.

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Allows to define a set of answers in sequentially that will repeat in cycles.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.returns(value: T)

Function call always returns value.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.returnsArgAt(index: Int)

Function call returns argument at index.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.returnsBy(function: () -> T)

Function call returns value provided each time by function.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<in Result<T>>.returnsFailure(error: Throwable)

Function call returns Result.failure with error.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<in Result<T>>.returnsFailureBy(function: () -> Throwable)

Function call returns Result.failure with exception provided each time by function.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<in Result<T>>.returnsSuccess(value: T)

Function call returns Result.success with value.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<in Result<T>>.returnsSuccessBy(function: () -> T)

Function call returns Result.success with value provided each time by function.

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inline fun <T> CallDefinitionScope<*>.self(): T
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Function call will answer sequentially with answers defined in block.

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Simplification for sequentially with multiple returns calls.

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Simplification for sequentially with multiple throws calls.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.throws(error: Throwable)

Function call always throws error.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.throwsBy(function: () -> Throwable)

Function call throws exception provided each time by function.

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infix fun <T> AnsweringScope<T>.throwsErrorWith(message: Any)

Function call always throws an IllegalStateException with given message.