Package-level declarations
Base interface for all scopes that are based on MokkeryContext. Provides a set of operations that are available in all contexts.
A scope for a test suite that uses Mokkery mocks. It enables automation and strict exhaustiveness checks.
Starts defining an answer for a single function call specified by block. Returned scope allows defining answer.
Just like every, but allows suspendable function call.
Provides mock implementation of T1 and T2. It is a child of given MokkerySuiteScope.
Provides mock implementation of T1, T2 and T3. It is a child of given MokkerySuiteScope.
Provides mock implementation of T1, T2, T3 and T4. It is a child of given MokkerySuiteScope.
Creates MokkerySuiteScope instance with given extra context.
Removes all answers configured for given mocks.
Clears call history for all given mocks.
Asserts that all given mocks have all their registered calls verified with verify or verifySuspend.
Asserts that all mocks from given MokkerySuiteScope have no unverified calls.
Just like verify, but allows suspendable function calls.
Just like verify, but allows suspendable function calls.