
Capture that stores only the last value.


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sealed interface Value<out T>


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abstract val value: SlotCapture.Value<T>

If no captured values it returns Value.Absent. Otherwise, it returns the last captured value wrapped with Value.Present

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abstract override val values: List<T>

Contains only latest value.


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abstract fun capture(value: T)
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fun <T> SlotCapture<T>.get(): T

Returns unwrapped SlotCapture.value if it is SlotCapture.Value.Present. Otherwise, it fails.

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Returns unwrapped SlotCapture.value if it is SlotCapture.Value.Present. Otherwise, it returns null.

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operator fun <T> SlotCapture<T>.getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T?

Just like getIfPresent, but as a getValue operator.