
inline fun <T : Any> mock(mode: MockMode = MokkeryCompilerDefaults.mockMode, block: T.() -> Unit = { }): T

Provides mock implementation of given type T.

T must be provided directly and cannot be a generic parameter.

Currently supported types:

  • Interfaces (not sealed)

  • Function types

  • Abstract/open classes with all methods/properties open/abstract and no-args constructor.

inline fun <T : Any> MokkerySuiteScope.mock(mode: MockMode = MokkeryCompilerDefaults.mockMode, block: T.() -> Unit = { }): T

Provides mock implementation of given type T. It is a child of given MokkerySuiteScope.

T must be provided directly and cannot be a generic parameter.

Currently supported types:

  • Interfaces (not sealed)

  • Function types

  • Abstract/open classes with all methods/properties open/abstract and no-args constructor.