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object Any : ArgMatcher<Any?>

Matches any argument.

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class Comparing<T : Comparable<T>>(val value: T, val type: ArgMatcher.Comparing.Type) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches any Comparable depending on type parameter.

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Arg matcher that must be composed with other matchers. Every composite matcher has to implement Capture to propagate it to its children. Use dev.mokkery.matcher.capture.propagateCapture for convenience.

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class Equals<T>(val value: T) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument that is equal to value.

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class EqualsRef<T>(val value: T) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument whose reference is equal to value's reference.

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class Matching<T>(val predicate: (T) -> Boolean, val toStringFun: () -> String) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument according to the predicate. Registered matcher Any.toString calls toStringFun.

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class NotEqual<T>(val value: T) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument that is not equal to value.

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class NotEqualRef<T>(val value: T) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument whose reference is not equal to value's reference.

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class OfType<T>(val type: KClass<*>) : ArgMatcher<T>

Matches an argument that is instance of type.


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abstract fun matches(arg: T): Boolean
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Helper function to propagate capture for dev.mokkery.matcher.ArgMatcher.Composite.