
Scope for registering argument matchers.


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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.and(first: T, second: T, vararg moreMatchers: T): T

Matches argument that satisfies all the matchers (first, second and all from moreMatchers). It must not receive literals. Only matchers allowed!

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.any(): T

Matches any argument.

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Matches any sequence of varargs.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.capture(container: Capture<T>, matcher: T = any()): T

Matches an argument with matcher and captures matching arguments into capture. Arguments are captured only if all other matchers match.

inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.capture(list: MutableList<T>, matcher: T = any()): T

Matches an argument with matcher and captures matching arguments into list. Arguments are captured only if all other matchers match.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.contentDeepEq(array: Array<T>): Array<T>

Matches an array that is equal to array with contentDeepEquals.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.eq(value: T): T

Matches an argument that is equal to value. It can be replaced with value literal.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.eqRef(value: T): T

Matches an argument whose reference is equal to value's reference.

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inline fun <T : Comparable<T>> T): T

Matches argument that is greater than value.

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inline fun <T : Comparable<T>> ArgMatchersScope.gte(value: T): T

Matches an argument that is greater than or equal to value.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.isIn(vararg values: T): T
inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.isIn(values: Iterable<T>): T

Matches argument that is present in values.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.isNotIn(vararg values: T): T
inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.isNotIn(values: Iterable<T>): T

Matches argument that is not present in values.

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inline fun <T : Comparable<T>> T): T

Matches argument that is less than value.

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inline fun <T : Comparable<T>> ArgMatchersScope.lte(value: T): T

Matches an argument that is less than or equal to value.

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abstract fun <T> matches(argType: KClass<*>, matcher: ArgMatcher<T>): T

Registers matcher with given argType.

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Registers matcher with T::class as argument type.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.matching(noinline toString: () -> String = { "matching(...)" }, noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T

Matches an argument according to the predicate. Registered matcher Any.toString calls toString.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.matchingBy(function: (T) -> Boolean): T

Matches an argument by calling given function. Also, it returns function name on Any.toString.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.neq(value: T): T

Matches an argument that is not equal to value.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.neqRef(value: T): T

Matches an argument whose reference is not equal to value's reference.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.not(matcher: T): T

Matches argument that does not satisfy matcher. It must not receive literals. Only matchers allowed!

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inline fun <T : Any> ArgMatchersScope.notNull(matcher: T = any()): T?

Matches an argument that is not null and matches matcher.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.ofType(): T

Matches an argument that is an instance of type T.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.onArg(matcher: T = any(), noinline block: (T) -> Unit): T

Short for capture with Capture.callback.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.or(first: T, second: T, vararg moreMatchers: T): T

Matches argument that satisfies any matcher (first, second or any from moreMatchers). It must not receive literals. Only matchers allowed!

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.varargsAll(noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Array<T>

Matches a sequence of varargs with all elements satisfying the given predicate.

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inline fun <T> ArgMatchersScope.varargsAny(noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Array<T>

Matches a sequence of varargs with any element satisfying the given predicate.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsBooleanAll(noinline predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): BooleanArray
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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsBooleanAny(noinline predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): BooleanArray
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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsByteAll(noinline predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): ByteArray

varargsAll variant for ByteArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsByteAny(noinline predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): ByteArray

varargsAny variant for ByteArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsCharAll(noinline predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): CharArray

varargsAll variant for CharArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsCharAny(noinline predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): CharArray

varargsAny variant for CharArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsDoubleAll(noinline predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): DoubleArray

varargsAll variant for DoubleArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsDoubleAny(noinline predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): DoubleArray

varargsAny variant for DoubleArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsFloatAll(noinline predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): FloatArray

varargsAll variant for FloatArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsFloatAny(noinline predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): FloatArray

varargsAny variant for FloatArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsIntAll(noinline predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): IntArray

varargsAll variant for IntArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsIntAny(noinline predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): IntArray

varargsAny variant for IntArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsLongAll(noinline predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): LongArray

varargsAll variant for LongArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsLongAny(noinline predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): LongArray

varargsAny variant for LongArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsShortAll(noinline predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): ShortArray

varargsAll variant for ShortArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsShortAny(noinline predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): ShortArray

varargsAny variant for ShortArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUByteAll(noinline predicate: (UByte) -> Boolean): UByteArray

varargsAll variant for UByteArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUByteAny(noinline predicate: (UByte) -> Boolean): UByteArray

varargsAny variant for UByteArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUIntAll(noinline predicate: (UInt) -> Boolean): IntArray

varargsAll variant for UIntArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUIntAny(noinline predicate: (UInt) -> Boolean): IntArray

varargsAny variant for UIntArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsULongAll(noinline predicate: (ULong) -> Boolean): ULongArray

varargsAll variant for ULongArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsULongAny(noinline predicate: (ULong) -> Boolean): ULongArray

varargsAny variant for ULongArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUShortAll(noinline predicate: (UShort) -> Boolean): UShortArray

varargsAll variant for UShortArray.

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inline fun ArgMatchersScope.varargsUShortAny(noinline predicate: (UShort) -> Boolean): UShortArray

varargsAny variant for UShortArray.