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Mocking multiple types

To create a mock of multiple types use mockMany:

val mock = mockMany<A, B, C>()

mockMany accepts up to 5 types. These types have to satisfy given requirements:

  • Each type must be supported.
  • Types must not duplicate (e.g. passing List<String> and List<Int> is duplication).
  • Only one class is allowed.
  • Functional types are not supported on JS.

mockMany returns MockManyN type that is a marker for multiple types mock. To access methods from specific type, explicit cast is required. You can achieve it with tN extensions:

val mock = mockMany<A, B, C> {
// t1 extension casts to A
every { t1.methodFromA() } returns Unit
// t2 extension casts to B
every { t2.methodFromB() } returns Unit
// t3 extension casts to C
every { t3.methodFromC() } returns Unit

val foo = Foo(a = mock.t1)

Shared methods

If types share methods with the same signature, they are treated as one:

interface A {
// ...
fun sharedMethod(i: Int): String
interface B {
// ...
fun sharedMethod(i: Int): String
// ...
val mock = mockMany<A, B> {
every { t1.sharedMethod(any()) } returns "Hello world!"
// ...
mock.t2.sharedMethod(1) // returns "Hello world!"